Century Farm Awards

Click on the following sections to find out more information.

Century Farm Award Logo


Century Farm Awards are designed to honour pioneers whose farm businesses or ranch businesses have been in the family for 100 years or more.

The original Century Farm Program included farm businesses or ranch businesses with a minimum of two hectares (five acres) that were owned by the immediate descendants of the original owners and operated as a farm business or ranch business at all times.

The new Century Farm Program has been expanded to offer categories including:
  • A farm business or ranch business that has been owned and operated by the same family for 100 years or more.
  • A farm business or ranch business that has been owned and operated by the same family for 100 years or more, but whose owners do not now live on it or operate it.
  • A farm business or ranch business that has been owned and operated by the same family for 100 years or more, but has moved from one location to another, and remained active.
  • An Institute, Industry Association, etc. that has been active for the past 100 years or more.
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    Program Overview

  • Century Farm Award Criteria (pdf - 31 KB)
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    Application/Nomination Form

  • Century Farm Award Application/Nomination Form (pdf - 25 KB)
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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

    Click on the following questions to find out more information.

    What is the Century Farm Award Program?
    Century Farm Awards are designed to honour pioneers whose farm businesses or ranch businesses have been in the family for 100 years or more.

    Who qualifies for a Century Farm Award?
    A farm business or ranch business with a minimum of two hectares (five acres) that is owned by the immediate descendants of the original owners and operated as a farm business or ranch business at all times.

    An institute or industry association that has been active for 100 years.

    What categories of farm businesses, ranch businesses and institutes does the program cover?
    There are four categories of awards that can be given, as follows:

    1. A farm business or ranch business that has been owned and operated by the same family for 100 years or more.
    2. A farm business or ranch business that has been owned and operated by the same family for 100 years or more, but whose owners do not now live on it or operate it. (i.e. leased or rented)
    3. A farm business or ranch business that has been owned and operated by the same family for 100 years or more, but has moved from one location to another, and remained active.
    4. An Institute, Industry Association, etc. that has been active for the past 100 years or more.

    Why are there more categories this year?
    Categories 1 & 2 are essentially the same as what had been eligible in previous years.

    Category 3 stems from some of the new realities for farming in BC. For example an operation may choose to move locations due to environmental, logistical and/or financial reasons. This perspective would recognize that a geographic move, within BC, that enabled a farm family to continue to operate successfully for the 100 plus years would not render them unable to receive recognition for such a long "career". This assumes the move enabled the farm to operate in a continuous fashion.

    Category 4 recognizes farm organizations that have been supporting agriculture and farmers continuously for 100 years or more.

    How do I apply for an Award?
    Nomination forms are available above or via any MAL office.

    Applicants are responsible for all research and supporting documentation. A written history of family ownership must be provided. The application will not be processed without documentation.

    Applicants are asked to mail or fax completed forms to:

    Vancouver Island and Lower Mainland Interior and the rest of BC
    Minnie Bayley Nancy Portman
    1767 Angus Campbell Road 162 Oriole Road
    Abbotsford, BC V3G 2M3 Kamloops, BC V2C 4N7
    604 556-3001 or 888 221-7141 250 371-6052 or 888 823-3355
    Minnie.Bayley@gov.bc.ca Nancy.Portman@gov.bc.ca

    I have already been recognized as a Century Farm. Do I need to re-apply for the program?
    No, current Century Farms that have already been honoured do not need to re-apply for the program.

    I have an old Century Farm sign. Do I need to apply to get a new one?
    Current Century Farms do not need to re-apply for the program. If you have already received recognition, the current Century Farm sign will not be replaced as part of the 2007 Century Farm program.

    I would like a new Century Farm sign. How do I go about getting a new one?
    Current century farm recipients are asked to make a formal request for a new sign by contacting our offices in Abbotsford or Kamloops. Please note that the new sign will be cost-shared between the Province and the recipient.

    My current Century Farm sign has been destroyed or damaged. How do I apply to receive a new one?
    Current century farm recipients are asked to make a formal request for a new sign by contacting our offices in Abbotsford or Kamloops. Please note that the new sign will be cost-shared between the Province and the recipient.

    Will the Ministry contact me to apply for the Program?
    Farm business, ranch business, organizations and institutions who qualify for the program are asked to visit the Century Farm Award web site (above) and apply directly to the Ministry.

    How much do the signs cost?
    For new recipients who qualify for the 2007 Century Farm Award Program, the signs will be provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands.

    If you have already received recognition as part of the earlier Century Farms Program, a new sign can be ordered at a cost of $200, which will be equally cost-shared between the applicant and the Province.

    If I received recognition as a Century Farm but only received a certificate am I eligible to re-apply and receive a sign?
    Yes, please re-apply via our web site or by obtaining the information via one of our MAL offices.

    Can I nominate a farm that I think is deserving of an award?
    Yes, anyone can make a nomination. You may be expected to do some research and documentation to support your nomination.

    What happens to nominations that do not meet the qualifications?
    All nominations will be kept on file for future reference. If the nominated farm is a couple of years short of meeting the qualifications the nomination will be retained until the award can be given.

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    Vancouver Island and Lower Mainland Interior and the rest of BC
    Minnie Bayley Nancy Portman
    1767 Angus Campbell Road 162 Oriole Road
    Abbotsford, BC V3G 2M3 Kamloops, BC V2C 4N7
    604 556-3001 or 888 221-7141 250 371-6052 or 888 823-3355
    Minnie.Bayley@gov.bc.ca Nancy.Portman@gov.bc.ca