Crown Land Administration Division


About Us


Excellence in the administration of Crown land to provide the greatest benefits for British Columbians.

B.C.’s Crown land base is the cornerstone of prosperity for British Columbians. (Factsheet). The allocation and administration of Crown land plays a pivotal role in expanding and diversifying the economy, sustaining the environment, and promoting the health and well-being of residents and communities. Virtually every community in the province has an interest in how the land is managed. Over twenty sectors of the economy depend upon continued use of Crown land, and economic growth for many local economies can only occur if access is secured. The Crown land base and the values associated with it are a public asset and the Province has a responsibility to ensure they are managed to maximize and sustain the flow of economic, social and environmental benefits to British Columbians now and in the future.

The Crown Land Administration Division (CLAD) delivers guidance across government for Crown land administration by maintaining the land-use and allocation policy framework for the Province, provides leadership in the management of Crown contaminated sites and is responsible for managing and resolving complex land disposition proposals often involving multiple government agencies and parties. Established in 2005, the Division brings together expertise in land use planning policy, tenure policy and administration. Collectively, this expertise gives the province a strong, cohesive policy function needed to move quickly to act on opportunities and focus on results.

Our relationship with Integrated Land Management Bureau and other partners with delegated responsibility for some elements of Crown land administration is critical to our success. The work they do directly with communities, First Nations, businesses, individuals and other clients produces tangible results. That’s where the province begins to see the benefit of a strong policy framework. By maintaining a focus on results and quality service, CLAD can ensure that the administration of Crown land is sensible, advances the public interest, and creates a stronger environment for investment.

The Division’s services and functions fall into five lines of business. These business lines are based on logical groupings of services and functions and consist of:

Strategic Land Policy and Legislation Branch
The Strategic Land Policy and Legislation Branch supports Crown land management and land use planning to ensure the optimal use and allocation of British Columbia’s Crown land.

Crown Contaminated Sites Branch
The Crown Contaminated Sites Branch leads a strategic cross-government approach to identify, prioritize, investigate, remediate and report on contaminated sites on Crown land. Priority sites are managed using a risk-based approach to reduce the impacts to human health and the environment.

Land Program Services Branch
The Land Program Services Branch supports effective implementation of strategic policy by ensuring high quality service to agencies making land use and tenuring decisions. This customer focus is essential to ensuring partners are well informed, employing best practices, and have the support required to make good decisions.

Crown Land Opportunities Branch
The Crown Land Opportunities Branch is an innovative, project-oriented business line and is responsible for managing and resolving complex land disposition proposals often involving multiple government agencies and parties. This group leverages partnerships and facilitates solutions.

Strategic Initiatives Branch
The Strategic Initiatives Branch delivers corporate leadership services to the Division including strategic human resources development, performance planning and reporting, intergovernmental relations and project management of key corporate projects.