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 Parcs Québec
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Parc national de Miguasha is world renowned for its contributions to science. To date, the Escuminac Formation has yielded fossils of 20 fish species and many invertebrates and plants that lived in an estuary environment 378 million years ago. Miguasha's fish fossils represent five of the six fish groups that existed in the Devonian, hence its recognition as the world's most representative site of a period known as the "Age of Fishes."

The Miguasha site is also famous for the quantity and quality of its well-preserved fossils. In terms of quantity, the cliff has always been generous, giving up nearly 16,000 specimens. Half are in the park collection. The other half are spread over nine countries in the collections of 33 museums, universities, and research centres.

In terms of preservation quality, Miguasha's fossils are no less renowned. Complete specimens are available, some of them preserved in their original three dimensions. Also available are fossilized soft tissues, such as cartilage, excrement, gill prints, and even blood vessels.


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