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Market and Business Development

The Industry Development and Business Services Branch provides economic development and business services to the Nova Scotia agri-fish and food sectors. Key areas for our development work with industry include:

  • research and reports
  • business development and economic analysis
  • product and quality development
  • market development
  • financial resources
  • policies
  • Planning and development officers work closely with government and industry partners in the areas of market chain enhancement, opportunity investment and business development to enhance the international competitiveness of the sectors. For additional information and to access our services please contact us, at:

    PO Box 2223
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    B3J 3C4

    Tel: (902) 424-8865
    Fax: (902) 424-4671

    Other Links

    Visit the online Business Management Library!


    Quality is in our nature
      Last Update: November 15, 2007