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Occupational Health and Safety

The Occupational Health and Safety Program for the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture (and the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture) can be found on this web site. If you require additional information about occupational health and safety issues, please contact a Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee member, or a safety professional.



Safety is good business. The OHS Program focuses on ensuring that the workplace is healthy and safe for all employees.

OH&S Written Work Procedures

The Written Work Procedures and Safe Work Practices set a high standard for all staff to work in a healthy and safe manner. The development of consolidated Written Work Procedures and Safe Work Practices for the departments is still under construction. Until all Written Work Procedures and Safe Work Practices are consolidated the practices that are established in your work area should continue to be used. If you do not have Written Work Procedures or Safe Work Practices in your work area check out this web site and find out more about the safe way to work.

Written Work Procedures and Safe Work Practices are located on the NSAC Intranet site or government iweb (for staff only).

Links to related OH&S Information


Hints on Using the OH&S Site

Occupational Health and Safety - A Shared Responsibility


WCB Form 67
Guide to Form 67
TPW Loss Form
Incident Report Form
Guide to Completing Forms
Hazard Assessment Form
JOHSC Annual Report Summary Form
Violence Risk Assessment Presentation
(Updated Sept. 20, 2007)

  Last Update: January 8, 2008