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 Parcs Québec
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 Sépaq Anticosti
Conservation Mission


In 1945, the Québec government realized that land available for wildlife conservation was becoming increasingly rare in Abitibi as more and more forest was cleared for agriculture and mining. However, Aiguebelle County was spared because the hilly terrain made access difficult and was ill-suited for agriculture. On October 8, 1945, the government established the 256 km2 Aiguebelle hunting and fishing reserve.

For many years, the reserve was popular with anglers as one of the few spots in the region where speckled trout could be found. Around 1976, roads, information kiosks, a campground, and several guided nature trails were put in to develop the reserve, attracting a new clientele of hikers and campers.

On February 6, 1985, the Québec government followed up on a longstanding request from the local population and created a 241 km2 conservation park out of the hunting and fishing reserve to safeguard this unique area. In the years that followed, several additions were suggested. On September 30, 1998, the government adopted new boundaries that expanded the park to 268.3 km2.


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