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Activities and Services

Outdoor Activities - Summer and Fall


The warm water at the park beach (with lifeguard) in the Saint-Daniel Sector, regularly reach a summer surface temperature of 26 ºC.

Period: From mid-June until the end of August

Canoeing and Kayaking

Three of the park's lakes, including Grand Lac Saint-François, lend themselves to canoeing and kayaking, with outings lasting from a few minutes to a full day.

Period: From mid-May to mid-October


Parc national de Frontenac offers a diversified product. Enthusiasts can take advantage of sites located on Lac des Îles, Lac la Barbue as well as Baie Sauvage of Grand Lac Saint-François. A total of 31 sites have been set aside for this activity. An area featuring six sites is also available for groups.

Period: From mid-May to mid-October

Sport Fishing

Visitors can fish on Grand Lac Saint-François according to the provincial regulations in effect for the zone.. Fishing at Lac des Îles, Lac à la Barbue and Lac des Ours is restricted to anglers with visitors' permits. The fishing season closes when the lake's quota is reached. Strict conservation regulations apply, and a Québec fishing licence along with a fishing access right, are compulsory.

Main Species:
Grand Lac Saint-François: walleye, pike, yellow perch, landlocked salmon
Lac à la Barbue: bass, walleye, pike, yellow perch
Lac des Îles: walleye, pike, yellow perch
Lac des Ours: walleye, pike

Period: From May 20, 2008 until the quota for each lake has been reached.


A magnificent 8-km (one way) bicycle path along Grand Lac Saint-François is now accessible for the whole family. Along this magnificent route, you'll discover great spots that open a window on Grand Lac Saint-François, while offering you the chance to stop and rest in peaceful picnic areas. In the Southern Sector, enjoy discovering the trail that links Baie-Sauvage Campground with Lac à la Barbue.

Period: From mid-May to mid-October


An ideal activity to get in touch with nature, hiking may be practiced on some ten trails, which can often be combined into circuits, thus providing hours of adventure. More than 77 km of trails, 3.5 km of which have wooden footpaths. Network of Trails.


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