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 Parcs Québec
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Activities and Services

Outdoor Activities - Winter

Snowshoeing and Backcountry Skiing

On snowshoes or backcountry skis, come and recharge your batteries while the park is blanketed in white, inviting you to discover its gentle and peaceful scenery. Very limited services in the winter. Admission with self-registration posts for holders of the Annual Park Card or the Annual Network Card. For beautiful winter evenings by the fire in a cabin or rustic shelter, see the accommodations table.

Saint-Daniel Sector: 28 km of backcountry ski and 10 km of snowshoe trails.
Southern Sector: 14 km of backcountry ski trails and 33 km of snowshoe trails.
Period: From mid-December, 2007 to mid-April, 2008.


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