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 Parcs Québec
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Conservation Mission

Mission Statement

The mission of Parc national de Frontenac is to protect, and make accessible, a representative segment of the low, rolling mountains of the Eastern Townships, Beauce and Bellechasse regions. The park protects more than 65 km. of the shores of Grand Lac Saint-François, the third largest lake south of the St. Lawrence River. It also protects a type of peat bog called "structured fen". This type of fen is generally found in Northern Québec. The park's structured fen is its southernmost occurrence.

Natural Environment

The park features a wide variety of natural habitats and abundant plant and animal life. Wooded hills are the realm of deer, whereas the mosaic of lakes, ponds, marshes, and streams that cut through the coniferous forest are favourite haunts for numerous species of ducks, as well as otters and other animals, who go about their business beneath the gaze of omnipresent blue herons.

Birds are big fans of the park. Some 195 species have been recorded within park boundaries and in the immediate vicinity, and the area's dozen lakes create a biologically rich environment that helps foster a highly diverse animal and bird population.

A huge 1.5 sq-km peat bog dominates the Saint-Daniel sector of the park and is home to a number of carnivorous plant species. A phenomenon most unusual at this latitude, part of the bog is structured, i.e., its carpet of moss is broken up into long ponds separated by thin dividers of sphagnum moss.


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