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 Parcs Québec
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 Sépaq Anticosti
Activities and Services



Saint-Daniel Sector

Saint-Daniel Sector Information Kiosk:
Welcome and information, entry fee, registration of campers and camping reservations
Period: From mid-May to mid-October

Self-Registration Post : entry fee
Period : Year-round

L'Oasis: Boutique Nature, convenience store, tourist information, fishing licence
Period: From mid-June to Labour Day (see Note)

La Capitainerie: Watercraft and bicycle rentals, group room
Period: From mid-June to Labour Day (see Note)

Note: The schedule for services may be modified without notice depending on weather conditions and the number of customers.

Southern Sector

Southern Sector Information Kiosk:
Welcome, information, entry fee, registration of canoe campers and vacationers, accommodation and camping reservations, fishing licence
Period: From mid-May to mid-October

Self-Registration Post : entry fee
Period : Year-round

L’Escale (Baie-Sauvage Campground): Boutique Nature, mini convenience store, bicycle and boat rental Period: From mid-May to mid-October

Note: The schedule for services may be modified without notice depending on weather conditions and the number of customers.

The administration office, located at the Southern Sector entrance, is open all year round.

Boutique Nature

A vast array of souvenirs, clothing for adults and children, discovery products for young people, and outdoor articles is offered at the Boutique Nature. All profits are re-invested in the park to enhance its conservation. By choosing our Parcs Québec collections, you are joining us in the development of Québec's natural and cultural heritage.There are three boutiques in the park, one at L’Oasis (Saint-Daniel sector), at L’Escale (Southern sector) and at the administration office (Southern sector, mini-boutique).

Equipment Rentals

Saint-Daniel Sector

  • Bicycles
  • Kayaks (sea and pleasure)
  • Pedal boats
  • Rowboats
  • Canoes
Southern Sector
  • Bicycle
  • Kayaks (sea and pleasure)
  • Pedal boats
  • Rowboats
  • Canoes


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