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The origin of the name "Valin" is still obscure, according to Msgr. Victor Tremblay, renowned Saguenay historian. He observed the name "Rivière à Valin" on the maps of Father Laure from 1731 and on those of hydrographer Jacques-Nicolas Bellin from 1744. According to Msgr. Tremblay, the only Valin the river could have been named after would have been François Valin, who was born in 1693 and lived in Ancienne-Lorette. At the time, Natives living in Ancienne-Lorette were thought to have established relations with Saguenay Natives. Valin may have accompanied them to the Saguenay and his name may have become associated with the river, and later, the mountain.

It was only toward the mid-twentieth century that people began to inhabit the Mont Valin Highlands. First, young draft dodgers sought refuge there. Beginning in 1952, pioneers set down roots and indulged their love of the great outdoors. During the same era, the first private hunting and fishing clubs were created.

During the 1970s, there was a movement to develop the Mont Valin Highlands. In 1978, the disbanding of clubs on public lands led to the disappearance of private clubs and the creation of ZEC Martin-Valin (controlled harvesting zone) to manage hunting and fishing in the park.

In 1989, the municipalities in the northern sector of the Saguenay, the Valinouët ski hill, and Aménagement des monts Valin (A.M.V.I.) joined together to form the Corporation du parc régional des monts Valins (C.P.R.M.V.). Its objective was to promote the creation of a Monts-Valin regional park.

In September 1996, the Monts-Valin regional park became the Parc national des Monts-Valin.


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