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Conservation Mission

Mission Statement

Parc national des Monts-Valin was created to protect a representative segment of the natural region known as the Mont Valin Highlands.

Natural Environment

The Mont Valin Highlands are impressive with their jagged surface and maze of domes and depressions, where deep valleys and basins alternate with steeply sloped hills. Its highest peaks tower over the regional landscape at 980 metres. Its ancient rock formations point to a complex geological history that has been the subject of much research.

Field studies have illustrated the movement of the glaciers and their impact on the topography and the drainage system. Five rivers with countless rapids and a number of waterfalls criss-cross the highlands, the main one being Rivière Valin. There are more than 125 bodies of water of all sizes in this territory.

Plant life on Mont Valin is very diverse due to the altitude and the presence of two forest zones-mixed and boreal. More than one hundred vascular plant species can be found, including some that are rare in the region.

The varied forestlands and excellent water habitats have attracted an impressive array of wildlife. Speckled trout dominate most of the highland's bodies of water. Local birdwatchers have catalogued over 117 species, including some that are rare at this latitude. Numerous mammals inhabit the Mont Valin area, particularly its southern side, including moose, beaver, and wolves.


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