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 Parcs Québec
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Discovery Activities

Parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno offers you a host of guided nature discovery activities. From the beginning of May to the end of October, take part in a guided tour and discover spring plants, frogs and snakes, animals and birdlife, geology, forest, secrets of the pond and the history of the park, in the company of a park warden.


The Old Mill is the ideal starting point to discover Mont Saint-Bruno and its past. A theme-oriented exhibit presents the history, the geology, as well as the flora and fauna treasures of the region.

Self-guided Trails

Explore the park at your own pace. The 4.2-km network of self-guided trails (8.9 km, starting from the Visitor's Centre) runs alongside lakes and streams. In addition to taking advantage of the beauty of the park's five lakes, the activity will allow you to find the answers to numerous questions including: What is the origin of the lakes of Mont-Saint-Bruno? What are peatlands?

Not far from the Visitors Centre there is a wooded area of inestimable wealth. Known as the Gabriélis arboretum, this area is home to several species of trees that are of exceptional value because of their rarity, their size and their ornamental value.

To perpetuate the educational work of Brother Gabriélis, the park makes available to users a guide that presents the characteristics of 51 species of trees that can be observed along the trails of the Arboretum.

Even during the winter period, the forest holds many secrets. Skiers can enjoy nature interpretation on the theme of the maple grove.

School Program

"Nature Stories" and "A Park Treasure" are two school programs that were developed for students in cycles 2 and 3 of primary school, in the spirit of the education reform. These programs were designed to be conducted autonomously by teachers, with lesson plans and tools provided.

Calendar of Discovery and Special Activities.


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