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 Sépaq Anticosti
Activities and Services



Bonaventure Island Sector

Park wardens or park staff will greet you upon your arrival on Bonaventure Island. They will take a few minutes to inform you about the services and activities offered, and also explain the special park regulations. You will also find a restaurant that offers a boxed lunch service.
Period: May 28 to October 12, 2007

Historic Charles-Robin (Percé) Sector

La Neigère - Upon your arrival in Percé, get to know the park by visiting our Information Kiosk on rue du Quai. Park wardens and park staff will help you make the most of your visit to the park.
Period: June 3 to September 22, 2007

Le Chafaud : Discovery Centre - This is where you'll find the exhibit, and park wardens happy to answer all your questions.
Period: May 28 to October 12, 2007

Boutique Nature

A vast array of souvenirs, clothing for adults and children, discovery products for young people, and outdoor articles is offered at the Boutique Nature. All profits are re-invested in the park to enhance its conservation. By choosing our Parcs Québec collections, you are joining us in the development of Québec's natural and cultural heritage. The boutique also offers educational products, such as identification guides, children's books and bird song cassettes, as well as small posters identifying various bird species.
Period: From June 3 to September 22, 2007

Food Services

Bonaventure Island Sector

A restaurant service is offered on Île Bonaventure. Please note that this is the only place on the island where you can get water or food. A boxed-lunch service is also available.
Periods: Restaurant des Margaulx, from June 8 to September 28, 2007
Colonies service area, from July 8 to August 25, 2007

Boutique Nature (Maison Mauger)

Bonaventure Island Sector

A wide range of souvenirs is available in our Boutique Nature, located on Île Bonaventure in the service area.
Period: From July 8 to August 19, 2007

Boat Launch

Historic Charles-Robin (Percé) Sector

A public boat launch is located near rue du Quai and can be reached via the parking lot. Please note that all private watercraft are subject to the same regulations as the water taxis serving Bonaventure Island, and the same park hours as other visitors. Access to the landing stage is free, but boats are subject to the parking fees that apply in the parking lots.
Period: May 28 to October 12, 2007

Passenger Boats

Private operators run boats to Bonaventure Island from the Percé dock.
Period: May 28 to October 12, 2007


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