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 Parcs Québec
 Wildlife Reserves
 Tourist Resorts
 Sépaq Anticosti
Practical Details

Services near the Park


Inns, motels, hotels and B&Bs are located in Percé Town or in the surrounding areas. Sépaq runs the Baie-de-Percé Campground, l'Auberge Fort-Prével and réserve faunique de Port-Daniel.

Restaurants and Other Food Services

You will find restaurants of every kind in Percé and in the surrounding area.


Club nautique: Guided kayaking excursion from Bonaventure Island.
Underwater diving in the marine sector of the park.
Corporation Musée Le Chafaud
Passenger boats
  • Les Bateliers de Percé inc.
  • Les Traversiers de l'Île inc.
  • Les bateaux de croisières Julien Cloutier inc.


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