News Release
  Building Tomorrow A plan to secure Alberta's future

December 5, 2007
Province moves on key recommendation of crime task force report
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act takes aim at crime hot spots
The Alberta Legislature has passed a private member’s bill that disrupts criminal activities such as drug dens, gang and prostitution houses by supporting local police in their efforts to shut down derelict properties.

The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act is expected to come into force in the fall of 2008. The Act creates a new unit within Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security that will investigate complaints from the public. Any criminal activities that are uncovered will be turned over to local police for further investigation.

“Derelict properties can be a breeding ground for criminal activity, and this Act provides communities with a new tool to deal with crime and disturbances that can devastate our neighbourhoods,” said Art Johnston, MLA Calgary Hays, who championed the legislation.

Since similar legislation was enacted in Manitoba in 2001 more than 150 drug dens, gang and prostitution houses have been shut down.

Upon coming into force, the Act becomes the responsibility of Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security. “We have made a commitment to all Albertans to ensure our communities are safe,” said Fred Lindsay, Solicitor General and Minister of Public Security “This tough, new legislation supports community efforts to target and shutdown derelict properties used as drug houses or to commit other criminal activities that endanger our children and families.”

Deputy Premier and Justice Minister and Attorney General Ron Stevens said passage of this bill demonstrates government’s strong commitment to respond to recommendations of the Crime Reduction and Safe Communities Task Force. “Creating a law such as this was a key recommendation of the task force,” noted Stevens. “We have made a pledge to work with communities to tackle crime and its causes. This is a perfect example of the community helping those in the justice system address crime at the local level.”

Before the law takes effect in the fall of 2008, policies, procedures, and protocols will be developed in partnership with local police, health authorities, municipal agencies, and government ministries.

Community safety is part of Premier Ed Stelmach’s plan to secure Alberta’s future by building communities, greening our growth and creating opportunity.


Media enquiries may be directed to:

Andy Weiler
Solicitor General and Public Security
780- 427-6153

Mark Cooper
Alberta Justice

To call toll free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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