Gouvernement du Yukon

Communiqués archivés


Pour diffusion immédiate     numéro 06-043
March 10, 2006

Program To Increase Women's Participation In Skilled Trades

WHITEHORSE - The Government of Yukon, Yukon College and Yukon Women in Trades and Technology (YWITT) have developed a Women Exploring Trades and Technology program.

As part of its efforts to increase the representation of women in skilled trades training and employment, and in response to one of the recommendations from the Yukon Women in Trades Follow-Up Report (2005), this full-time 16-week program for women is being offered at Yukon College, for the first time, beginning March 13.

"Women have been taking the initiative to pick up trades skills more and more. This program allows for formal skills training that can be applied in the workplace," minister responsible for the Women's Directorate, Elaine Taylor said. "In addition to trade skills, the program will also explore gender issues and workplace culture, specific to women working in the trades field."
The safety component of the program will allow those who complete the program to enter the trades workforce knowing how to work safely and effectively. Twelve women are registered for the course.

"With twice as many applicants as available spaces, we know that women are interested in pursuing this line of work and the government is committed to ensuring that access to trades training and employment is available to women," Education Minister John Edzerza said.

Other recent initiatives to increase women's participation in the trades include continued support of the Yukon Women in Trades and Technology (YWITT) organization, annual Young Women Exploring Trades conferences, and a variety of hands-on workshops for Yukon women.


 Peter Carr   Julie Haywood
 Cabinet Communications  Communications, Women’s Directorate
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-8269
 peter.carr@gov.yk.ca  julie.haywood@gov.yk.ca

Clea Ainsworth
Communications, Education
(867) 393-7102