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Statistics on employment-assistance recipients

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The Direction générale adjointe de la recherche, de l’évaluation et de la statistique has produced 17 statistical summaries based on Pampalon and Raymond’s material and social deprivation index. This index enables regional and local players to determine the most underprivileged areas in each of Québec’s 17 regions.

These summaries were produced in order to better support the territorial approach advocated as part of the national strategy to combat poverty and social exclusion and the accompanying action plan.

These statistical summaries are available in French only

Useful link

Additional, official statistics on this topic are also available on the website of the Banque de données des statistiques officielles du gouvernement du Québec. You can access them by clicking on the button below. Select the theme “Living Conditions and Well-being.”

Official Statistics


Top of PageLast update: 2007-02-08

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