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 Parcs Québec
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 Sépaq Anticosti
Conservation Mission


For thousands of years, the confluence of the Saguenay and St. Lawrence rivers has created conditions favorable for human contact with marine environments. Hunting and fishing led to exchanges among aboriginal peoples and shaped their lifestyle. Archaeological excavations have traced the presence of hunters in the area at least as far back as 7,000 years.

European fishermen, present in the region from the 16th century, hunted whales as far as the mouth of the Saguenay River. At the time, Tadoussac had become the largest fur trading post in North America, with several aboriginal peoples involved in trading. The centuries to follow saw the development of whale leather tanning, used in shoe-making and for horse harnesses. Whale oil was used for tanning skins and as fuel; seal oil was used as lamp fuel in Québec City homes.

Hunting and fishing of marine mammals continued until the 20th century. As late as 1945, some 200 belugas were caught annually in the region.

Logging intensified in the 19th century, and fostered settlement of the region. The growth of the forest industry brought with it another form of settlement, a seasonal one: tourists, anglers and resort guests. Logging contractors gave the tourist industry its start, and tourism continues to grow in the region to this day.

In the early 20th century, the pulp and paper industry expanded by building a network of electrical power stations. The increased traffic on waterways, frequently under foggy conditions, soon required beacons, buoys and lighthouses.

Today, our society seeks to rediscover the attractions of a marine environment and to explore its history. Visitors can recapture the strong feelings that surface when we encounter marine mammals; however, today's visitors hunt only images.


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