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 Parcs Québec
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 Sépaq Anticosti
Conservation Mission

Mission Statement

Parc marin du Saguenay-Saint-Laurent was created with the aim of highlighting and increasing protection of a representative segment of the marine environment of the St. Lawrence Estuary and the Saguenay Fjord, for the benefit of current and future generations.

Natural Environment

Whether exploring the St. Lawrence Estuary to observe finback whales from meters away, or the fjord trails at the heart of the Saguenay, you'll discover the vastness of the land and sense the mysteries of the park's rich marine life.

The St. Lawrence Estuary

This maritime communication route at the heart of North America is a gigantic buffet for whales, seals and seabirds of all kinds.

The Saguenay Fjord

The only fjord in southern Québec, it extends from Saint-Fulgence to Tadoussac, over 100 km., and is edged with capes which can be as high as 300 m. Its waters reach a depth of 276 m.

Zone of Confluence

The merging of the green waters of the estuary with the dark waters of the Saguenay River creates a zone of lapping waters, attesting to the meeting of these two bodies of water, which move to the rhythm of the tides.


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