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 Parcs Québec
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 Sépaq Anticosti
Activities and Services



Baie-Éternité Sector

Baie Éternité Information Kiosk: Welcome and information, entry fee, fishing access right and reservations
Period: Year-round

Saguenay Fjord Discovery and Visitors Centre: Welcome and information, permanent exhibit, Nature Boutique, food counter and reservations
Period: From mid-May to mid-October, 2007

Baie-Sainte-Marguerite Sector

Discovery and Visitors Centre: Welcome and information, permanent exhibit, Nature Boutique, Café du Hameau and reservations
Period: From mid-May to mid-October, 2007

Baie-du-Moulin-à-Baude Sector

La Maison des Dunes Discovery Centre: Welcome and information, permanent exhibit, entry fee
Period: From mid-June to mid-October, 2007

Nature Boutique

A vast array of souvenirs, clothing for adults and children, discovery products for young people, and outdoor articles is offered at the Nature Boutique. All profits are re-invested in the park to enhance its conservation. By choosing our Québec Parks collections, you are taking part, with us, in the development of Québec's natural and cultural heritage.

Other Services
  • Mooring buoys
  • Marina
  • Boatlaunch
  • Ferry

Food Services

Several places have been arranged to allow you to enjoy a healthy meal or snack in nature without much effort. At the Baie-Éternité food counter, the menu includes meals that are both tasty and wholesome.


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