SEPAQ, la Société des établissements de plein air du Québec. Le plus grand réseau de nature et de plein air au Québec vous offre - chasse, pêche, chalets, auberges, campings dans les - parcs nationaux, réserves fauniques, centres touristiques, Chic-Chocs, Anticosti, Duchesnay.
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Lake when the night is falling... Blazing peak-wood! Landscape on laying down sun Kayaks in row
The barnacles fly away! Overview from a tree hole Cycling at the Parc national de la Yamaska (Cantons-de-l'Est) Kayaking on Réservoir Choinière Body of water in the Rivière Yamaska Nord valley
Hiking trails crisscross the park forests A favorite deer habitat that attracts a variety of wildlife The filtered light under cover of maple Activities for the whole family in remarkable natural surroundings A lake with something for everyone
The remarkable wood duck The conifer forest in all its winter majesty Spectacular fall foliage    


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