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 Parcs Québec
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 Sépaq Anticosti
Discovering the Park

A Noble Universe: the Pine Forest

Let yourself be enchanted by the green surroundings of Parc national d'Oka. Next to the lake stands a pine forest, a vestige of the great eastern white pine forests that once were abundant along Rivière des Outaouais.

Exotic Wetlands

Break away from the routine and discover a surprising natural environment not far from Montréal. In Grande Baie and Rivière aux Serpents, the land and water combine to produce wetlands that are veritable ecological treasures. With their almost tropical air, wetlands play host to fascinating forms of life. The splendid wood duck, threatened with extinction early in the last century, has made its home in this nesting site, the most productive in Québec.

History on stage

Follow the traces of the aboriginal peoples and the first colonists on the trails leading to the Calvary site. The fragments found in the Oka area testify to aboriginal presence spanning thousands of years. Indeed, most of the fragments date back to 2,200 to 2,500 B.C. From Colline du Calvaire to Lac des Deux Montagnes, the history of the Sulpicians and the evangelization of the aboriginals by the Trappist Brothers are retold in life size re-enactments!

Come Play Outside!

Take part in numerous outdoor activities, such as cycling on a segment of the Route Verte bike path, swimming in Lac des Deux-Montagnes or hiking on the many trails. In the winter the snow-covered trails are ideal for cross country skiing, snowshoeing and snow walking. At Parc national d'Oka, outdoor activities are a truly enriching experience!

Forest Nights

Camp in tranquility in a huge campground. Why not treat yourself to our ready-to-camp? In winter, it includes campsite rental, a 4-person tent, a ground sheet, a rechargeable lantern, a propane camp stove or a woodstove with firewood (one bag of fire-starter and one bag of logs by night). In winter, the ready-to-camp and the primitive campground are available from December to the end of March. Also, please note that a maximum of 4 people per campsite, including children, applies during the winter season.


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