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 Parcs Québec
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Activities and Services



Discovery and Visitors Centre: the conference room is ideal for business meetings and family get-togethers. Documentaries about nature, history and biophysical resources are shown in an air-conditioned auditorium and there is a Boutique Nature. The Discovery and Visitor Centre is the departure point for three hiking trails - L’Érablière, La Grande Baie and La Sauvagine.
Period: From mid-May to mid-October 2007

Information Kiosk: camper reception, campground registration and reservations
Period: From May to October 2007

Community area: convenience store, laundry room and community room.
Period: From May to October 2007

Le Littoral Visitors Centre, beach sector: Boutique Nature, ski boutique, restaurant and dining room, as well as a terrace facing the lake, wax room, group room, first-aid and security services.
Period: Year round

Discovery and Visitors Centre Gatehouse
Period: From May to October 2007

Bike path toll booth
Period: From May to October 2007

Calvaire d'Oka Gatehouse: reception and entry fee
Period: From May to October 2007

Beach Gatehouse: reception, entry fee and parking lot
Period: From May to October 2007

Campground Gatehouse
Period: Year round

Boutique Nature

A vast array of souvenirs, clothing for adults and children, discovery products for young people, and outdoor articles are offered at the Boutique Nature. All profits are re-invested in the park to enhance its conservation. By choosing our Parcs Québec collections, you are joining us, in the development of Québec's natural and cultural heritage. The boutique also offers educational products, such as identification guides and CDs of bird songs, as well as small posters identifying various bird species.

Equipment Rental

  • Canoes
  • Cross country ski equipment (classic and skate)
  • Single and tandem kayaks
  • Parasols
  • Pedal boats
  • Power Paddler
  • Windsurfers
  • Baby-carrier
  • Snowshoes (2 models)
  • Baby Glidder snow gliders for children (reservations required)
  • Hybrid bicycles
  • Bicycle (tandem)
  • Child chariot carrier
  • Life jackets
  • Luggage locker

Food Services

It's hard to resist an ice cream or a refreshing drink in the summer. The snack bar, ice-cream parlour and bistros by the lake offer restaurant service that will make your day at the beach even more enjoyable.

Ski Boutique

The ski boutique staff will be happy to give you advice about trails, waxing and skiing. They also offer the following services:
  • Maintaining and waxing skis
  • Sale of material and accessories to maintain and wax skis

Ski School

To help you discover, develop and perfect cross country ski techniques, the park's ski school features private courses and course sessions.

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