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The area around Mont Mégantic was one of the last in southern Québec to be colonized. The Repatriation Act of 1875, in particular, encouraged exiled French-Canadians to return and settle in that part of Québec. They engaged in agriculture and forestry, activities which began a slow decline as of the 1960s.

The rapid deforestation of the late 19th century left fields and buildings exposed to such strong winds that the local priest decided to raise a cross on the summit of Mont Saint-Joseph in order to obtain heavenly protection. Several years later, after such blessings had been granted, a chapel was built on this magnificent site, the second highest peak of this mountainous region (1,065 m.). It became an important pilgrimage destination, where Sunday Mass is still celebrated today (masses on certain Sundays in the summer: schedule available at the Interpretation and Visitors Centre).

Mont Mégantic's modern-day vocation dates back to the 1960s. During this period, the Université de Montréal, having recognized that the summit of Mont Mégantic would be an ideal site for astronomical observation, leased 10 hectares of land from the Québec government to build the Mont-Mégantic Astronomical Observatory. The observatory began operating in the spring of 1978. In fact, the observatory inspired the park theme "From the Earth to the Stars". That same year, suggestions were put forward to protect Mont Mégantic as a conservation park, a project which took 16 years to achieve.

In 1984, the Mont Mégantic Skiing and Hiking Club (which later became Sentiers Mont-Mégantic) received a grant from the Ministère des Loisirs, de la Chasse et de la Pêche (Department of Recreation, Hunting, and Fishing) to develop a trail network on the south side of the mountain and construct a Visitors Centre and huts. Given the threat of heavy logging in the sector, the Department also acquired a forest concession that is still active today.


Several years later, in 1988, the protected area was divided to create the Samuel-Brisson Ecological Reserve, an 8-sq.-km preservation area on the northeast side of the mountain, named in honour of a local naturalist who helped catalogue plant life in the Eastern Townships. Local and regional efforts led to the official creation of Parc national du Mont-Mégantic on June 16, 1994, with a mission to protect and share this unique mountainous massif. Two years later, on June 14, 1996, another dream came true with the opening of the ASTROLab, an astronomy activities centre dedicated to the public at large. Later, a variety of nature and astronomy-related activities were developed to complement the outdoor activities already offered. Two years later, on June 18, 1998, a second observatory was officially opened on the summit of Mont Mégantic-the Mont Mégantic Public Observatory. This facility, complete with professional instruments, is devoted entirely to programs for the general public and school groups.


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