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 Parcs Québec
 Wildlife Reserves
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 Sépaq Anticosti
Conservation Mission

Mission Statement

Parc national du Mont-Mégantic was created to protect the geological features, flora and fauna typical of the border mountains natural region for the sake of present and future generations. The fact that Mont Mégantic is one of the Monteregian Hills, the presence of forest communities, rare in Québec and in the region, as well as its vocation in the field of astronomy, all make Mont Mégantic exceptional.

Natural Environment

With its imposing 1,105 m. massif surrounded by steep ridges, gentle hills, and a deep valley, the rugged topography of Parc national du Mont-Mégantic is a rarity in Québec.

Vegetation is an important part of the park, especially because of the rarity of certain species.

Plant communities vary from maple/yellow birch stands at the base of the mountain to forests of balsam fir, yellow birch, and white birch at middle elevations, and stands of fir and common wood sorrel in the harsher alpine environment. Red spruce, which is rare in Québec, can be found on the intermediate peaks along with plants more typical of the tundra, such as the Northern gentian (Gentiana amarella) and the highland rush (Juncus trifidus).

A wide variety of wildlife has adapted to the harsh mountain climate. There are some 20 species of mammal including moose, white-tailed deer, black bear, and the bobcat, which is extremely rare at this latitude. Over 125 bird species can also be found in the park, including the Gray Jay (Perisoreus canadensis), which likes northern climes, and Bicknell's thrush (Catharus bicknelli), a species with a restricted range.