General Information

The main office for the Columbia Forest District is in Revelstoke.  A field office is also maintained in Golden.  The Revelstoke office is also a field office for Okanagan-Columbia BC Timber Sales staff and the office for the Recreation Officer for the Columbia Shuswap Recreation District.  Protection staff for the North Columbia Fire Zone are  located at the primary attack base at the Revelstoke Airport. 

Field office staff are not readily available so please set up appointments prior to  coming to the office.

Click on BC Timber Sales-Okanagan-Columbia to get more information on the BC Timber Sales Program in the area or click on South East Fire Center to get more information on the Protection program in the area.

General enquired for the Columbia Forest District can be directed to: 

Columbia Forest District
1761 Big Eddy Road 
PO Box 9158 RPO #3
Revelstoke BC V0E 3K0

Phone:  250 837 7611 or Fax 250 837 7626


About the Columbia Forest District


Business Area


Recreation Activities

The following icons identify recreation activities by location  in Golden and Revelstoke




Page last modified: Wednesday, March 07, 2007

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