Fort Nelson Forest District

Welcome to the Fort Nelson Forest District

Dunedin River Welcome to the Fort Nelson Forest District website. At almost 10 million hectares, the Fort Nelson Forest District covers roughly 11 percent of the provincial landmass. Surf our website and explore the Northeastern corner of BC.

We are leaders in the management of the North American Boreal Forest. The Taiga Plains cover the Eastern portion of our district. While to the West is found the Northern extent of the Rocky Mountains.

So sit back, relax and let your fingers guide you through our site.

District Vision, Mission and Values Statements (PDF 44kb)


District Programs and Business Areas

Geomatic Services
Scaling and Revenue
Compliance and Enforcement
Office Services

The district is also home to the following programs:
BC Timber Sales
Fire Protection

Where to go from here

Fort Nelson Forest District Information
Ministry of Forests & Range Home Page
Northern Interior Forest Region
Government of British Columbia Home Page
Government of Canada Home Page
Town of Fort Nelson and Northern Rockies Regional District

Contact Information

Fort Nelson Forest District
Mailing Address:
RR#1, Mile 301 Alaska Highway,
Fort Nelson, BC
V0C 1R0

Telephone:  (250) 774-5511
Facsimile:  (250) 774-3704

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