Kalum Forest District

From our office in Terrace, Kalum District staff provide forest stewardship to a landbase covering approximately 3.8 million hectares.

Located at the far west of the Northern Interior Forest Region and split in the middle by the Cascade Mountains, the geography of the Kalum Forest District provides its forest managers with a challenging mixture of coastal and interior ecosystems.
Comprised of two Timber Supply Areas (Kalum and Nass) and two Tree Farm Licenses (TFL 1 and 41) the District has a combined Annual Allowable Cut of 2,312,884 cubic metres of timber.

District Contact Information

Kalum Forest District
#200-5220 Keith Avenue
Terrace B.C.
V8G 1L1
Phone: (250) 638-5100
Fax: (250) 638-5176
Email: Forests.KalumDistrictOffice@gov.bc.ca