Welcome to the Queen Charlotte Islands Forest District

The Queen Charlotte Islands, Haida Gwaii to its native inhabitants, consists of more than 150 islands located approximately 90 kilometres west of British Columbia's north coast. The islands are divided into three physiographic units - the Queen Charlotte Ranges, the Skidegate Plateau and the Queen Charlotte Lowlands.

The Islands have a total area of 1,018,000 hectares with parks and reserves accounting for 229,000 hectares (22%); tree farm license (TFL) areas, 324,000 hectares (32%); and the remainder, 465,000 hectares (46%) as TSA. The timber supply area is primarily located on the east and west sides of Graham Island, with a smaller portion on northwest Moresby Island.



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The sign: indicates that information has been added or modified since December 12, 2007.

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Queen Charlotte Islands Forest District
Mailing Address:  PO Box 39, Queen Charlotte, BC  V0T 1S0
Telephone: (250) 559-6200
Facsimile:  (250) 559-8342
E-mail: Forests.QueenCharlotteDistrictOffice@gov.bc.ca