Coast Forest Region

Welcome to the Coast Forest Region

Ancient Cedars on Haida Gwaii  / Queen Charlotte Islands photo by Brian EcclesFor the first time since its inception in the 1920's, the forest region on the coast, now known as the Coast Forest Region, completely manages BC coastal forests.

Covering a total of 16.5 million hectares, the Coast Forest Region is bounded to the east by the Coast Mountain and Cascade Ranges, the Washington US Border to the south, Alaska US border to the north, and the islands to the west which include Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver Islands.

The Coast Regional Office is located in Nanaimo, and this centre is responsible for field services at the regional level. Staff provide advice, assistance, and expertise on forest management. They also provide stewardship and tenure administration to the public, industry and other agencies. There are eight district offices within the region which provide local services for their respective communities. The responsibilities of district staff include reviewing and approving forest operations, and enforcing compliance with various forest legislation including the Forest Practices Code and Forest and Range Stewardship Act.


Coast Forest Region Map

     Click on map to view district website

North Coast District South Island District Squamish District Queen Charlotte Islands District Sunshine Coast District Chilliwack District Campbell River District North Island - Central Coast District Northern Interior Forest Region Southern Interior Forest Region Southern Interior Forest Region

District Offices Coast Forest Region

Coast Forest Region WWW FTP MAP TEL
Campbell River Forest District WWW FTP MAP TEL
Chilliwack Forest District WWW FTP MAP TEL
North Coast Forest District WWW FTP MAP TEL
North Island - Central Coast Forest District WWW FTP MAP TEL
Queen Charlotte Islands Forest District WWW FTP MAP TEL
South Island Forest District WWW FTP MAP TEL
Squamish Forest District WWW FTP MAP TEL
Sunshine Coast Forest District WWW FTP MAP TEL
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Documents and Files

Coast Forest Region FTP
BC Timber Sales Chinook Business Area

BC Timber Sales Starit of Georgia Business Area FTP

Ministry of Forests and Range FTP

Coast Forest Region
Mailing Address:  2100 Labieux Road, Nanaimo, BC  V9T-6E9
Telephone: (250) 751-7001
Facsimile:  (250) 751-7190