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What's new in the BC College and Institute Student Outcomes (CISO) project?

Last updated February 7, 2008

2007 Key Student Outcomes Indicators for BC Colleges and Institutes: Survey Results by Institution

This document is made up of reports for each of the post-secondary institutions that participate in the CISO survey; the reports present indicators and variables considered key for education planning. Each institution’s key outcomes indicators (KOIs) can be compared with system-wide indicators, either directly or using standardized values. The indicators are used for education planning and accountablitity.

2007 Apprenticeship Survey: Summary Report

The 2007 Apprenticeship Survey: Summary Report presents the findings from the third annual Graduate Follow-up Survey of Apprenticeship Students from BC Public and Private Post-Secondary Institutions. Former students from 14 public and 11 private institutions participated in the 2007 survey, answering questions on their post-training employment, their satisfaction with their training, and the usefulness of the knowledge and skills they gained. The information they provided will be used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.

2008 CISO Project

The 2008 CISO survey is now in the field. Our data collection firm, Venture Market Research (Venture) will begin collecting data by telephone; the web version of the survey will be up and running by early February and Venture will start sending email invitations to former students at that time. Data collection from telephone and web will continue until early July.

For more information about BC College and Institute Student Outcomes, contact Marti Lea Thib at MartiLea.Thib@gov.bc.ca About

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Ministry of Advanced Education BC STATS Outcomes Working Group