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Job Destinations of Former College and Institute Students

Job Destinations reports describe, in detail, the kinds of jobs obtained by former BC college and institute students a year after leaving their program. Data used in these reports are taken from the annual CISO survey and the Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS). The Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) taxonomy and the National Occupation Classification System are used to standardize self-reported occupations given by former students when interviewed.

Two views of the data are provided in the reports.

Section B:Former students' employment outcomes by field of study

Section C:Field of study exited, by former students' occupation

pdf4 picture 2004 and 2005 Job Destinations of Former College and Institute Students (2.83 Mb)

pdf4 picture 2002 and 2003 Job Destinations of Former College and Institute Students (3.32 Mb)

pdf4 picture 2001 Job Destinations of Former College and Institute Students (3.32 Mb)

pdf4 picture 2000 Job Destinations of Former College and Institute Students (2.90 Mb)

pdf4 picture 1999 Job Destinations of Former College and Institute Students (1.75 Mb)

pdf4 picture 1998 Job Destinations of Former College and Institute Students (1.25 Mb)

pdf4 picture 1997 Job Destinations of Former College and Institute Students (2.6 Mb)

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Ministry of Advanced Education BC STATS Outcomes Working Group