Canada Border Services Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Memorandum D3-4-5

Locator Code: 461B

Ottawa, March 10, 2000

In Brief


Highway cargo - In-transit movements

1. This Memorandum supersedes Memorandum D3-4-5 dated January 31, 1992. It has been amended to incorporate the two-stop customs process for the movement of in-transit goods through either the United States or Canada.

2. Under this process, Canadian carriers who transport goods in transit from one point in Canada to another point in Canada through the United States report to the U.S. Customs Service at the first point of arrival in the United States, and to the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) before re-entering Canada. They do not report outward to the CCRA before leaving Canada. Similarly, United States carriers who transport goods in transit from one point in the United States to another point in the United States through Canada report to the CCRA at the first point of arrival in Canada, and to the U.S. Customs Service before re-entering the United States. They do not report outward to the U.S. Customs Service before leaving the United States.

Memorandum D3-4-5

Locator Code: 461B

Ottawa, March 10, 2000


Highway cargo - In-transit movements

This Memorandum outlines customs requirements for the reporting and control of in-transit goods by highway carriers.


Guidelines and General Information 2

Definitions 2
Security Requirements 2
Cargo Reporting 2
Cargo Control Procedures 4
Penalty Information 6
Additional Information 6
Appendix A - Form7512-B Canada A8B, United States - Canada Transit Manifest
Appendix B - Completion Instructions for Form7512-B Canada A8B



1. For the purposes of this Memorandum, the following definitions apply:

(a) In Transit - The movement of goods from a point in the United States to another point in the United States through Canada, as well as the movement of goods from a point in Canada to another point in Canada through the United States. Goods in transit are controlled on a United States - Canada Transit Manifest, Form 7512-B Canada A8B.

(b) Itinerant Carrier - A carrier who brings goods to Canada infrequently and posts security for each trip.

Security Requirements

2. Highway carriers transporting goods from one point in the United States to another point in the United States via Canada must file security in the amount of $25,000 with the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA). For information on filing security for a single trip, see Memorandum D3-1-1, Regulations Respecting the Importation, Transportation and Exportation of Goods.

3. Itinerant carriers transporting logs through Canada do not have to deposit security.

Cargo Reporting

4. Canada and the United States have established a joint procedure for the documentation and control of in-transit goods. Form 7512-B Canada A8B is used as the cargo control document for either United States or Canadian cargo transiting the other country's territory. You will find a copy of the form in the Appendix A and the instructions to fill it in Appendix B.

5. Highway carriers transporting goods from a point in one country to another point in the same country through the neighbouring country must stop at the first customs office in the neighbouring country, and present the in-transit manifest for review and validation.

6. You can request copies of Form 7512-B Canada A8B at the following address:

National Distribution Centre
Room 2202
45 Sacré-Coeur Blvd.
Hull QC K1A 0L5

Facsimile: (819) 953-4399

7. You can now order forms on the Internet. Complete the online request form you will find at, under "Forms and publications."

8. In addition, you can print your own forms. For information on customized forms, contact the Carrier and Cargo Policy Section at the address shown in paragraph 15.

9. Do not document in-bond goods arriving at a Canadian airport or seaport destined for the United States, nor goods arriving at the border for outward movement from a Canadian airport or seaport on Form 7512-B Canada A8B. See Memorandum D3-2-2, Air Cargo - Import Movements, for information on the documentation for air shipments, and Memorandum D3-5-2, Marine Cargo - Import Movements, for marine shipments.

10. Similarly, do not document goods moving in transit through Canada arriving by one mode of transport and transferred to another mode of transport for the outward movement on Form 7512-B Canada A8B. You will find documentation procedures in Memorandum D3-2-2 for air shipments, Memorandum D3-4-2, Highway Cargo - Import Movements, for highway shipments, Memorandum D3-5-2 for marine shipments, and Memorandum D3-6-6, Rail Cargo - Import Movements, for rail shipments.

Cargo Control Procedures

11. The procedure for United States goods in transit from one point in the United States to another point in the United States through Canada is as follows:

(a) At the first point of entry in Canada, the driver presents four copies of Form 7512-B Canada A8B as follows:

(1) Original (white) - arrival copy

(2) 2nd Copy (blue) - exit copy

(3) 3rd Copy (green) - re-entry copy

(4) 4th Copy (pink) - carrier copy

(b) The customs inspector reviews and validates all copies by stamping and initialing each copy at the bottom of the form and may also check the goods against the bill(s) of lading, to ensure that all of the goods being moved in transit are recorded.

(c) When completed, three copies (blue, green, and pink) are returned to the driver, and the original (white) is placed in a pending file until acquittal is received from the United States customs office of re-entry. Acquitted copies are filed numerically.

(d) The goods are sealed with green ball seals that must remain intact until they are removed by United States customs at the office of re-entry.

(e) The carrier reports to United States customs before re-entering the United States. A United States customs officer stamps the remaining three copies of the manifest; the pink copy is returned to the driver, the blue copy is sent to the office at the first point of entry, and the green copy is retained on file.

12. The procedure for Canadian goods in transit from one point in Canada to another point in Canada through the United States is as follows:

(a) At the first point of entry in the United States, the driver presents four copies of Form 7512-B Canada A8B as follows:

(1) Original (white) - arrival copy

(2) 2nd Copy (blue) - exit copy

(3) 3rd Copy (green) - re-entry copy

(4) 4th Copy (pink) - carrier copy

(b) The customs inspector reviews and validates all copies by stamping and initialing each copy at the bottom of the form and may also check the goods against the bill(s) of lading, to ensure that all of the goods being moved in transit are recorded.

(c) When completed, three copies (blue, green, and pink) are returned to the driver and the original (white) is placed in a pending file until acquittal is received from the Canadian customs office of re-entry. Acquitted copies are filed numerically.

(d) The goods are sealed with green ball seals that must remain intact until they are removed by Canadian customs at the office of re-entry. The carrier should also have the bill(s) of lading available for review.

(e) The carrier reports to Canadian customs before re-entering Canada. A customs officer stamps the remaining three copies of the manifest and the pink copy is returned to the driver, the blue copy is sent to the office at the first point of entry, and the green is retained on file.

13. When accidents, shifts of loads, or other circumstances occur during the in-transit movement, the carrier must contact the nearest customs office. The customs office will provide the carrier with instructions for managing the cargo. Refer to Memorandum D1-1-1, List of Customs Offices.

Penalty Information

14. For details on penalties for carrier infractions, see Memorandum D3-8-1, Cargo Control Contraventions.

Additional Information

15. Please direct all correspondence to:

Customs and Trade Administration Branch
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
Ottawa ON K1A 0L5

Attention: Carrier and Cargo Policy Section






Follow the instructions to enter all the information on the United States - Canada Transit Manifest, Form 7512-B Canada A8B.

1. Carrier in Transit Through Canada - This field must be checked off.

2. State/Province Licence Plate No. - Indicate the vehicle identification number, i.e., licence plate number, year, and state/province.

3. Tractor - Indicate the tractor number of the vehicle.

4. Trailer - Indicate the trailer number of the vehicle.

5. Other - Indicate the vehicle identification number for vehicles other than tractors or trailers.

6. Port of Departure - Where exiting from the United States, indicate the U.S. customs office.

7. Port of Re-Entry - Where entering into the United States, indicate the U.S. customs office.

8. Canada Permit No. - We assign this number from an in-transit manifest series.

9. Canada Customs Bond No. - For single trip bonds, indicate the authorization number as shown on Form E370, Application to Transact Bonded Carrier and Forwarding Operations. Bonded carriers should indicate their carrier code or bond number.

10. Name of Importing Carrier - Indicate the name of the carrier. In the case of a rented vehicle, indicate the name of the rental company.

11. Name of Operator or Agent of Carrier - Indicate the name of driver. In the case of rented vehicles, indicate the name of the rental company.

12. Port and Date of Arrival - Canadian customs will indicate the Canadian customs office where the vehicle has entered Canada and the date.

13. Customs Seal Numbers/Initials of Customs Officer - Canadian customs will record the customs seal numbers and the customs officer will initial the form.

14. Port and Date of Exit - Canadian customs will indicate the Canadian customs office from where the vehicle is leaving Canada and the date.

15. Seals Intact - Canadian customs will check "yes" or "no" as to whether seals are intact.

16. Other Irregularity - Canadian customs will check "yes" or "no" as to whether any inconsistencies are found.

17. Initials of Customs Officer - The customs officer processing the document at the Canadian customs office of exit will initial the document.

18. Waybill Numbers - Indicate the waybill numbers of the waybill.

19. No. of Packages - Indicate the number of packages as shown on the waybill.

20. Value - You do not need to complete this field for goods transiting Canada.

21. Signature of Operator or Agent of Carrier - This document must be signed by the operator or agent of the carrier.



Import Process Division






D3-4-5, January 31, 1992


D1-1-1, D3-1-1, D3-8-1

This Memorandum is issued under the authority of the Commissioner of Customs and Revenue.