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Liaison RRQ - E-notification service 
Information on request and made to measure

  • Choose the topics that interest you, in the form that suits you best.
  • Be among the first to know about information that affects you.
  • Receive objective, up-to-date and high-quality information.
  • Change your subscription choices at any time.

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Liaison RRQ News - An infoletter from the Régie des rentes du Québec

Our infoletter will allow you to receive regularly, by e-mail, information capsules on subjects of interest.

Financial planning for retirement

How to make financial plans for your retirement and better understand the sources of retirement income on which you will be able to rely.

Québec Pension Plan

Get all the necessary information on the Plan's retirement pension, disability benefits and survivors' benefits.

Supplemental pension plans ("pension funds")

For those with an interest in pension plans: administrators, employers, plan members and retirement specialists.

Locked-in retirement accounts (LIRAs) and life income funds (LIFs)

Get the latest news about LIRAs and LIFs, whether you're a retirement specialist or as the holder of an LIRA or an LIF.


For parents who want to know all about child assistance payments and the Régie's other programs and services for children.

Read the latest issue.

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Liaison RRQ magazine - An on-line magazine from the Régies des rentes du Québec

Our on-line magazine has a variety of articles that are easy to read, always informative and sometimes surprising and that cover all the questions related to the Régie's mission, programs and services. In the form of an electronic magazine, each issue has 5 to 10 articles on a specific theme.

Published 3 times a year. Read the latest issue.

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Liaison RRQ  Retirement experts - Studies and research report from the Régie des rentes du Québec

Each issue of this magazine for retirement specialists focuses on a particular research project by giving the highlights and a link to the complete report. Retirement Experts is indispensable for keeping up on changes in the retirement field in Québec, in Canada and elsewhere.

Published 3 times a year. Read the latest issue.

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Better safe than sorry...

The following tips on computer security can help you avoid trouble:

  • Never send personal information in an e-mail and never include your social insurance number.
  • If you receive a suspicious e-mail that seems to have come from the Régie des rentes du Québec, notify us without delay. The e-mails that we send to our Liaison RRQ e-notification list subscribers always include the user name that you chose when you signed up for the service.
  • If an attachment is included with an e-mail that appears to be from the Régie, do NOT open it. We never send attachments with our e-mails.

Find out more by consulting our page on security measures.


We'll keep it to ourselves

In conformity with our privacy policy, we guarantee that you will never receive publicity of any kind from our e-notification service. Furthermore, we will never give your name and address or any other details about you to another organization or any third party.