Développement durable, Environnement et Parcs
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About the Site

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There are several ways for you to locate information on our site or to investigate its contents:

Top Menu and Symbols

The top menu presents the major issues addressed by the Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs. Under each issue are topics classified from the broad to the specific.

Useful Links

Technical Instructions

Site Construction

To Reach Us

Confidentiality Policy

Intellectual Property Rights



Links included in the navigation menu

The Minister

The minister

The Ministère

Programs, activities and services, publications, commitments, regional offices and agencies

Air - Climate Change

Atmospheric problems and air quality


Diversity of species and ecosystems in water, the air and on land


National parks of Québec

Sustainable Development

Economic and social development with respect to environmental protection and preservation of natural resources


Support to decision-making and reference tools for learning more about aquatic environments, recreational activities, drinking water, groundwater, surface water, water expertise, dams, littoral zones and floodplains

Environmental Assessment

Information about environmental protection and enhancement of natural resources

Hazardous or Residual Materials

Hazardous or residual materials management

Agricultural Environment

Reduction of pollution from agricultural sources, environmental criteria and public registry

Industrial Environment Reduction of pollution from industrial sources, environmental criteria and public registry


Pesticides management, pesticides in urban and agricultural areas, guidebooks and directory

The Environment in Québec: An Overview

General data on the state of the environment in Québec

Contaminated Lands

Land protection and rehabilitation

Top and Bottom Page Browser Menu

Top page browser menu

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Every html file has a navigation bar at the top and at the bottom of the pages. This bar contains links to:

Links included at the bottom of the page


Home page of site at www.mddep.gouv.qc.ca

Site Map

Overall view of information available on the site, from the broad to the specific


Addresses of branches, comments and suggestions, information request form

Portail Québec

Link to Québec government portal site

About the Site

Useful information about the site: Looking for?; Technical Instructions; To Reach Us; Confidentiality Policy; Intellectual Property Rights


Simple or advanced search using key words or full text


Home page of French site

What's New?

List of major changes (document additions or updates)


Links to environmental or related sites

Confidentiality Policy

Applies to the Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs' Web site

Site Construction

Names of persons who put the site together

Looking for?

Tips on how to locate specific information or to browse the site

The following symbols are used to help you flip through documents several pages long.

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