Développement durable, Environnement et Parcs
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Site Map

The Minister
The Ministère
Agricultural Environment
Air and Climate Change
Contaminated Lands
Environmental Assessments

Industrial Sector
National Parks
Residual Materials
Sustainable Development
The Environment in Québec: An Overview

The Minister


Press Releases (French)


The Ministère

General Information

Access to Information - Protection of Personnal Information

Complaints related to the quality of service

Environmental complaints

Frequently Asked Questions (French)

Information Center

Ministerial Directory

Organization Chart


Press Releases


Regional (French)

Environmental convictions (French)

Activities and Services

Application for a Certificate of Authorization (French)



Fees for products and services


On-line Services


Youth Pages (French)


Statement of Services Intended for Citizens

Strategic Planning (French)

Women's Condition: Assessment of the 2000-2003 Action Plan (French)

2007-2008 Action Plan Respecting Handicapped Persons (French)


Accreditation of Agricultural Analysis Laboratories (French)

Accreditation of Environmental Analysis Laboratories (French)

Accreditation of Establishments Analyzing Heavy Vehicle Emissions

Biogaz (French)

Environmental Sampling Accreditation (French)


Financial Assistance and Funding

Heavy-duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (French)

Industrial Waste Reduction (French)

Redistribution to Municipalities of Charges Payable for the Disposal (French)

Rehabilitation of Contaminated Sites Assistance (French)

Turn your engine off (French)


Annual Reports (French)

Environmental Analysis Reports (French)

Free Publications (French)

Laws and Regulations

List of publications (French)

Rafale's Adventures (French)

In Region (French)


Employment (French)

Centre d'expertise en analyse environnementale du Québec (French)
Centre d'expertise hydrique du Québec
All English pages in this section

Agricultural Environment

Act and Regulations


Modifying your Farming Practices (French)

Policy Analysis and Development
Preservation of Water Bodies Farmers (French)
Public registry - Livestock production (French)
All English pages in this section

Air and Climate Change

Air Quality A Chronology of key Events (French)

Air Quality monitoring programme (French)

Air Quality Portrait (French)

Inventory of atmospheric emissions (French)

Quality Criteria

Air Quality Index

Atmospheric Problems

Acid Precipitation

Halocarbons - Ozone-depleting substances (French)

Heating with Wood

Ozone Layer

Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter


Monitoring Network (French)

Towards a Definition of Bioclimates in Québec (French)

Climate Change

What is it? (French)

Québec, a leader in Climate Change (French)

Climate Leaders Summit

Electric Vehicles

Kyoto Protocol (French)

Programs (French)

Québec and the Climate Change Challenge

Québec in Action to Fight Climate Change - 2005

Temperature Trends in Southern Quebec between 1960 and 2003 (French)

Greenhouse Gaz Emissions

What is it? (French)

Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (French)

Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Québec (French)

Heavy-duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program

What is it? (French)

Accreditation - Analyzing Heavy Vehicle Emissions (French)

All English pages in this section


Biosafety (GMO) (French)

Centre de données sur le patrimoine naturel


Ecological Reference Framework (French)


Harmful Aquatic Species

Didymo Algae

Aquatic Fauna (French)

Protected Areas


Register (French)

Statuses Conferred by the MDDEP

Québec Strategy and Action Plan on Biological Diversity 2004-2007 (French)  

Threatened or Vulnerable Species

Québec Biodiversity Atlas

Ten Years of Constant Effort

Threatened or Vulnerable Plants in Québec (French)

All English pages in this section

Contaminated Lands

Act and Regulations (French)


Authorized Treatment Centres and Landfill Sites (French)

Inventory of Contaminated Sites (French)  
Inventory of Soil and Industrial Waste Disposal Sites (French)  
List of Experts (French)  



Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Rehabilitation

Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Rehabilitation Policy (French)
ClimatSol Program (French)
All English pages in this section  

Environmental Assessments

Acts and Regulations (French)

Eastmain 1-A - Rupert Project

Form, guidance, sectorial guidelines (French)

Nord-du-Québec Overview
Preliminary Information (French)
Projects Subject to Environmental Assessment (French)
Types of Projects Automatically Subject or Exempt
Regime and Procedure (French)  
Projects Subject to Environmental Assessment (French)
Southern Québec Overview

Canada-Québec Agreement (French)

Form - Project Notice (French)

Projects Subject to Environmental Assessment (French)

All English pages in this section  

Industrial Sector

Annual Statements

Liquid Waste from Oil Refinery Sectors (French)

Mining Sector (French)

Pulp and Paper Sector (French)

Industrial Residual Materials: Reclamation Guide (French)  
Industrial Waste Reduction (French)
Public Registry (French)
Request for Authorization (French)
Wastewater Treatment (French)
National Parks Creation and Development
Legal Framework

Parks Act

Parks Regulation

Parks Policy

Park Operations

Existing Parks

Park Projects


Information and Reservations
All English pages in this section


About Pesticides


Statement, Directory and Guides

Legal and Regulatory Framework

Ministerial Actions regarding Pesticides
Permits and Certificates

Overview of Regulation

Application for Permits and Certificates

Directive 017 (Certificate of Authorization)

Training and Certification

Pesticides Management Code

Pesticide Wastes (French)
Sectors of Activity

Agricultural Areas

Childcare Centers and Schools

Forest Areas and  Corridors

Green Spaces / Golf Courses

Municipal environment

Pest Management


West Nile Virus (French)

All English pages in this section

Residual Materials

Biomedical Waste

Recovery of Used Syringes (French)

Regulation Highlights (French)

Charges Payable for the Disposal (French)  
Compensation Regime (French)


Laws and Regulations
Mercury (French)  

Elimination (French)

Reclamation : Reduction, Recycling, Re-use (French)

Pesticides - Management of Pesticide Wastes (French)  
Québec Policy  
Snow (French)  
All English pages in this section

Sustainable Development

Government Strategy 2008-2013

About sustainable development

Historical Markers

Interdepartmental Committee
Principles of Sustainable Development
Public Consultation

Québec on the Road to Sustainable Development

State of Affairs
Sustainable Development Act
Sustainable Development Indicators
All English pages in this section

The Environment in Québec: An Overview

Environmental Atlas (French)


Environmental Information on Agriculture (French)

State of the Environment, 1992 (French)
Statistical Portrait of the Environment (French)


Dams and Hydrology

Drinking Water



A guide to well testing and interpretation (French)

Groundwater Catchment Supply and Protection Areas (French)

Hydrogeological Information System (French)

Groundwater Catchment Regulation

Aquatic, wetland and riparian environments

Acts and Regulation (French)

Authorization (French)

Data sheets (French)

Lakeshores, Riverbanks, Littoral Zones and Floodplains (French)

Wetlands (French)

Québec Water Policy

Recreational Waters


Swimming Pools and other Artificial Pools (French)

Quality of Water and Recreational Use (French)

Rivers and Lakes

Algae, Phosphorus and Toxic Substances

Criteria, Guides and Monitoring

Great Lakes Basin − St. Lawrence Agreement

Impact of Pesticides


Rivers - Watersheds (French)

St. Lawrence River

Surface Water

EDO Request Form (French)

Quality Criteria (French)

Method - Effluent Discharge Objectives (EDO) (French)




Characterization in Seven Watersheds with Surplus Manure (French)

Integrated water management

Framework Documents

All English pages in this section

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