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  BC Government  Telephone and Email Addresses

BC Timber Sales can be contacted in writing or via telephone or fax at any of its 12 Timber Sales Offices (TSOs) or its Headquarters office in Victoria. Contact information for these offices is provided below. You can go directly to a specific Business Area website by clicking on the name.

All front-counter walk-in service for the public and customers of BC Timber Sales is through the 12 Timber Sales Offices, not Field Teams. TSL tender packages, contract details, program registration packages and copies of legal documents can be picked up and dropped off in person at TSOs. Regular mail or courier, at the customer’s cost, can also be used to receive packages from or send them to TSOs. Field Team offices are not able to provide these services.
  Babine Business Area
Timber Sales Office
Box 3500
185 Yellowhead Highway
Burns Lake, B.C. V0J 1E0
Tel: 250 692-2200
Fax: 250 692-7461
Email: Forests.BabineTimberSalesOffice@gov.bc.ca

Cariboo-Chilcotin Business Area
Timber Sales Office
200 - 640 Borland Street
Williams Lake, B.C. V2G 4T1
Tel: 250 398-4345
Fax: 250 398-4790
Email: Forests.CaribooChilcotinTimberSalesOffice@gov.bc.ca

Chinook Business Area
Timber Sales Office
46360 Airport Road
Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 1A5
Tel: 604 702-5700
Fax: 604 702-5711
Email: Forests.ChinookTimberSalesOffice@gov.bc.ca

Kamloops Business Area
Timber Sales Office
1265 Dalhousie Drive
Kamloops, B.C. V2C 5Z5
Tel: 250 371-6500
Fax: 250 828-4627
Email: Forests.KamloopsTimberSalesOffice@gov.bc.ca

Kootenay Business Area
Timber Sales Office
1907 Ridgewood Road
Nelson, B.C. V1L 6K1
Tel: 250 825-1100
Fax: 250 825-9657
Email: Forests.KootenayTimberSalesOffice@gov.bc.ca

Okanagan-Columbia Business Area
Timber Sales Office
2501 – 14th Avenue
Vernon, B.C. V1T 8Z1
Tel: 250 558-1700
Fax: 250 549-5485
Email: Forests.OkanaganColumbiaTimberSalesOffice@gov.bc.ca

Peace-Liard Business Area
Timber Sales Office
9000 – 17th Street
Dawson Creek, B.C. V1G 4A4
Tel: 250 784-1200
Fax: 250 784-1259
Email: Forests.PeaceLiardTimberSalesOffice@gov.bc.ca

Prince George Business Area
Timber Sales Office
2000 South Ospika Boulevard
Prince George, B.C. V2N 4W5
Tel: 250 614-7400
Fax: 250 614-7435
Email: Forests.PrinceGeorgeTimberSalesOffice@gov.bc.ca

Seaward-tlasta Business Area
Timber Sales Office
Box 7000
2217 Milne Road
Port McNeill, B.C. V0N 2R0
Tel: 250 956-5000
Fax: 250 956-5045
Email: Forests.SeawardTimberSalesOffice@gov.bc.ca

Skeena Business Area
Timber Sales Office
Room 200
5220 Keith Avenue
Terrace, B.C. V 8G 1L1
Tel: 250 638-5100
Fax: 250 638-5176
Email: Forests.SkeenaTimberSalesOffice@gov.bc.ca

Strait of Georgia Business Area
Timber Sales Office
370 S. Dogwood Street
Campbell River, B.C. V9W 6Y7
Tel: 250 286-9300
Fax: 250 286-9420
Email: Forests.StraitofGeorgiaTimberSalesOffice@gov.bc.ca

Stuart-Nechako Business Area
Timber Sales Office
Box 190
1522 Highway 16
Vanderhoof, B.C. V0J 3A0
Tel: 250 567-6363
Fax: 250 567-6370
Email: Forests.StuartNechakoTimberSalesOffice@gov.bc.ca

BC Timber Sales
PO Box 9510 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9C2
Tel: 250 387-1261
Fax: 250 356-6209
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