Strategic Policy & Planning Branch


The Strategic Policy and Planning Branch (SPPB) has a number of unique responsibilities including championing and supporting the three core corporate processes for the Ministry of Forests and Range in the areas of policy, legislation and service planning. The SPPB is proud of its contribution to the corporate operations of the MFR and its multi-faceted support for managing and protecting the diverse and sustainable values of the province’s forest and range resources.

Statement of Purpose

By providing frameworks and support for policy, legislation and performance planning processes, the Branch makes a significant contribution to enabling the strategic direction of the ministry. The Branch provides leadership, advice and governance on key corporate initiatives and supports executive decision making.

Key Functions

Forest Sector Initiatives

  • Co-ordinate and support the MFR’s role in corporate, cross-government, and forest sector initiatives.
  • Address the overall administration of the Forest Investment sub-vote and agreements with third party administrators by development and implementation of sound business practices incorporating strong financial controls and performance measures.
  • Develop and manage the MFR’s performance management framework (e.g., service plans and annual service plan reports) as well as making ongoing improvements to related measures, planning and reporting processes.
  • Develop the MFR’s evaluation/audit framework.

Legislation and Regulatory Reform

  • Manage the MFR’s annual legislative program.
  • Develop and coordinate the approval of Orders in Council and regulations on behalf of the MFR.
  • Manage the MFR’s response to government legislation-related initiatives (e.g., regulatory reform or the Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement).
  • Undertake various corporate functions on behalf of the MFR including, but not limited to, the co-ordination of appointments to agencies, boards and commissions that are the responsibility of the minister and maintaining the minister’s delegation matrix.
  • Provide advice on matters relating to land use policy and support to the MFR senior executive in fulfilling their committee and related responsibilities.

Strategic Policy and Strategic Planning

  • Gather, interpret and communicate information to various staff arising from social, environmental and economic situations affecting the MFR.
  • Administer and continually improve a corporate policy process to manage the overall policy workload in the MFR and to build a strategic policy agenda.
  • Promote excellence in the development of forest policy by providing advice, tools and communicating best practices.
  • Provide and co-ordinate various strategic planning initiatives for or on behalf of, Executive and the MFR.
  • Initiate and lead ministry participation in external or inter-ministry policy initiatives, and co-ordinate MFR input into strategic policy initiatives and activities of other ministries or external groups (e.g., Land Use, Sustainable Forest Resource Network, BC Forum on Forest Economics and Policy).

Branch Management and Operations

  • Lead SPPB communication.
  • Guide employee performance and development.
  • Provide finance and administrative support to the SPPB.