Economics and Trade Branch

The Economics and Trade Branch provides research and critical analysis on many aspects of forest products and the forest products industry.  The links below provide quick access to select topics of interest.

Softwood Lumber Agreement 2006

Log Exports - Administration

Log Export Review Information Bulletin

NEW!!   Interior Fibre Flow Statistics 2006

The 2007 Edition of Ownership and Intercorporate linkages of Selected Forest Companies in British Columbia (Adobe Acrobat format - 99 kb) Revised June, 2007

The 2005 Edition of "Major Primary Timber Processing Facilities in British Columbia (Adobe Acrobat format - 1,871 kb)

The 2005 Edition of "Major Primary Timber Processing Facilities in British Columbia (Excel Format)

SEA Guidelines and Data

Financial State of the Forest Industry and Delivered Wood Cost Drivers - April 1997

Non-timber Forest Products: current research projects and reports.
