Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Revitalizing the Forest Economy
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• The Forestry Revitalization Plan
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• Legislation
• BC Forestry Revitalization Trust
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• Ready for Change - Dr. Peter Pearse’s report on the Coast
• Working Forest Initiative
• Forest Investment Account
• Forestry Innovation Investment
• BC Market Outreach Network
• Treaty Negotiations Office

Revitalizing the Forest Economy

Government introduced the comprehensive Forestry Revitalization Plan in March 2003 to help restore the vitality of British Columbia's forest industry - the province's number 1 economic driver.

The plan will help ensure a competitive and sustainable forest industry that provides stable, good-paying jobs to support B.C. families well into the future.

Check here for regular updates as various elements of the Forestry Revitalization Plan are implemented.

Updates and Latest Information

Forestry Revitalization Trust Fund increase - February 2005

Contracting rules in timber harvesting - June 2004

Market-based timber pricing for the Coast - January 2004

Forestry Revitalization Plan

Click to open PDF versionThe publication The Forestry Revitalization Plan outlines the actions and expected benefits from forest policy reforms being made to help revitalize the industry.

News Releases



BC Forestry Revitalization Trust


Mailing Address
Ministry of Forests
PO Box 9529, Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9C3
