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New in FRPA 2005
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Welcome to the FRPA Training Website

This FRPA Training Website provides information and course materials related to Forest and Range Practices Training. Upcoming events not shown below are listed on What’s New.

New! Quick Start to FRPA Memo | Presentation

Chief Forester's Standards for Seed Use Training Materials

Q&A 2005  - Answers to questions arising from the "What's New in FRPA 2005 sessions.

The "What’s New in FRPA – 2005" training course and training resources are designed for people who develop or adjudicate Forest Stewardship Plans. Training resources include a Companion Guide, participants materials, errata , and (when available), answers to questions and speakers materials. Please check the website frequently for updates.

Registration for the Victoria session May 26th begins at 12: 30, and the session starts promptly at 1PM. Attached is the Agenda.

FRPA Woodlot Planning Workshops were held across British Columbia in March 2005. These workshops focused on the Woodlot Licence Plan template and updated transition provisions under FRPA. 

The Forest and Range Practices Training Program was designed in 2004 for use as a training and support tool for forest, range, and woodlot practitioners. As changes to the Range and Woodlot materials become available, they will be posted to the website, with notification on the What's New page.

Since the introduction of FRPA in January 2004, a number of amendments have been made to strengthen government objectives and ensure a smooth implementation.

Significant changes include:

  • enabling the wildlife objective;
  • establishing objectives for old growth, community watersheds, fisheries sensitive watersheds, and visual quality in existing scenic areas;
  • modifying the timber objective;
  • extending the period of transition to FRPA by one year;
  • increasing professional reliance by enabling professionals to "certify" that some components of a plan meet legislated content requirements; and,
  • clarifying many provisions for drafting, reviewing and approving Forest Stewardship Plans.

These changes signal that the building phase of FRPA is complete, and we are ready to move forward with implementation. While FRPA may continue to evolve over the longer term, its robust framework is now stable, giving government, industry and professionals an opportunity to make it work and realize the efficiencies it was intended to create.

One-day training sessions for government, industry, consultants, and resource professional and technical staff are being held between March 1st and 17th 2005. This is a joint initiative of government, industry and professional associations. Each session will be delivered by a team of presenters, and policy specialists will be available to respond to questions.

The focus will be on sharing the intent of the recent changes so that they can be more effectively applied.

This training covers the changes to legal requirements under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA).

These changes arise from:

  • Bill 33 amendments to FRPA, passed in May 2004;
  • Bill 3 passed February 2005;
  • FRPA regulations in force in December 2004 and February 2005;
  • Regulations expected in February 2005; and,
  • Other new FRPA components brought in since January 2004.

Sessions will not cover how to develop or adjudicate results or strategies.

Register through

For more information contact
Kandy Schroder, Selkirk Management Services
Phone: 250-512-9039, Fax: 250-367-0136

Coming Soon

  • First Nations consultation for setting objectives
  • Preparing / evaluating FSP stocking standards
  • Road maintenance practices under FRPA


What’s New in FRPA 2005 was developed and delivered in partnership between:

  • Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC
  • Association of BC Forest Professionals
  • BC Institute of Agrologists
  • Coast Forest Products Association
  • College of Applied Biology
  • Council of Forest Industries
  • Ministry of Forests
  • Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
  • Ministry of Water land and Air Protection

