Tenure Map Service (TMS)

This application will display an electronic submission destined for the Ministry of Forests Forest Tenure Administration (FTA) application via the Electronic Submission Framework (ESF) application on a graphical map.

An electronic submission will be received in the form of an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document and will allow both attribute and spatial data to be submitted in a single file. Spatial data will be embedded using Geography Markup Language (GML).

The document structure is validated by checks against the appropriate (submission-specific) XML schema. A schema is very similar to the schema of a database as both dictate the types, sizes and mandatory fields of a record. Detailed information on schemas for electronic submission are available on the ESF webpage.

To make a submission, clients will log on to the TMS Web Site and upload an XML document. If the document does not pass the schema validation, the user will be notified on upload. Once a document is validated, it is then displayed graphically using the MSRM IMF system. From there a user may view a Map Report or attribute report or return back to TMS to upload another submission or choose another item from the submission to view. The IMF will only display one submission item at a time.

The submission is not passed on as is done with ESF, it is only verified. Once the submission is ready, the user can then visit ESF and upload the file for processing through the FTA system.

To access TMS and/or ESF, private sector clients must have a BCeID userid. FSIAS UserIDs are being phased out and BCeID userids are now required. For information on how to get a BCeID userid, go to the BceID Enrollment Process webpage.

Access to TMS and/or ESF applications can then be obtained by going to the Application Access form for ESF and TMS.