Electronic Submission Framework

The Electronic Submission Framework (ESF) allows clients of the Ministry of Forests and Range (MoFR) and Ministry of Agriculture and Lands to submit data electronically.

ESF supports submissions for RESULTS (silviculture), FTA (Forest Tenures) and ABR (as built roads) applications. This scope may widen with future projects.

An electronic submission is received as an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document and allows both attribute and spatial data to be submitted in a single file. Spatial data is embedded using Geography Markup Language (GML).

The structure of the submitted document is validated by verification with appropriate (submission-specific) XML schema. A schema is similar to the schema of a database; both dictate the types, sizes and mandatory fields of a record. Like a database, an XML document can contain many records.

To make a submission, clients log on to the ESF website and upload an XML document. If the document does not pass the schema validation, the user is notified on upload. Once validated, the document is passed to the appropriate system, where detailed business rules are applied. If the business rules fail, a message is returned, requiring the client to fix and resubmit the data.

Please see the ESF Overview guide for information on making successful ESF submissions.