Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Resource Tenures & Engineering Branch
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Engineering & Real Estate Operations - As Built Road Reporting

Annual Reporting Requirements, Section 86, Forest Planning and Practices Regulation - As-Built Road Reporting
The As-Built Road Reporting requirements of the FPPR, Section 86, Annual Reporting are in keeping with the results based approach of the Forest and Range Practice Act. Road construction is authorized by the ministry and forest licensees build and maintain roads. The as-built road reporting serves to provide government with where permanent access structures are constructed on the Crown land base. Additionally, the required annual reporting of deactivation of roads indicates treatment of roads which would no longer be considered road access on the crown land base.

Having the as-built roads submitted through electronic means is part of a government initiative to improve service delivery through the use of electronic business mediums. One of the goals is to decrease costs to industry as well as government with the objective of having each piece of information submitted once even though it may be used for a number of purposes. The electronic contents of the report and the schema developed to capture those contents were arrived at through a consultative process between ministry and industry staff.

Further, the as-built road electronic submission initiative is also linked to the government initiative to have a complete and accurate road network of all the roads in British Columbia. The ABR submission data is being used to update the TRIM maps maintained by the Integrated Land Management Bureau as well as the ministry’s Forest Road Management Application (FRMA). The electronically submitted roads will be reflected within the Digital Road Atlas which is being developed and populated in order to support a wide range of business applications.

Descriptor Type Size
Annual Reports - Reporting of As-Built Road Information
Letter from Deputy Minister to Forest Industry Associations, Regional Executive Directors, District Managers and Timber Sales Managers
PDF     July 2005
Email message: As-Built Roads and ESF     Jim Langridge, Director, RTEB Dec. 12, 2005
Email message: As-Built Roads and ESF     Jim Langridge, Director, RTEB Dec. 16, 2005
As-Built Roads ESF Possible Feature Coding Problems and Guidance for Future Submissions     David Engen, Manager, Tenure Data July 17, 2006
As-Built Roads - Questions and Answers
Discussions of business and technical ESF requirements


As-Built Road Reporting Presentation - BCTS PPT 681   Dec. 2005
Electronic Submissions Framework
An Introduction to the Electronic Submission Framework

- As-Built Roads Submissions - ESF Webpage
  Link to ESF As-Built Roads Web page with
  current XML schemas and sample submission
  documents for As-Built Roads (ABR)

   User Guides:

- Industry Guide to the Preparation and Submission of As-Built Road Submissions via ESF
 - As-Built Roads (ABR)
   ESF Submission Guide
    A manual that specifies the kinds of
    information required for an As-Built Roads
    Submission, and how it should be encoded
    in XML












FTA Corporate Reporting System (CRS)
Two reports available that will list the blocks and roads in FTA with spatial data.
The reports are under Timber Harvesting, FTA Reports:
- S001 Cut Block with Spatial Report
- S002 Road Sections with Spatial Report

Note: for external users to access FTA Reports, they must have a valid BCeID and have applied for and received TMS access





Land Information BC Data Discovery Service
Layer files in the Land & Resource Data Warehouse (LRDW) can be found through LIBC Discovery Services
Note: External to government users are required to have a valid BCeID for Land INformation Services





Digital Road Atlas
Base Mapping & Geomatic Services Branch, Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management


CCSM Trim Codes LINK      