Seed Planning and Registry Application SPAR logo

This SPAR communication site is intended for SPAR clients who want to find out what’s new in SPAR, learn more about how to use the Seed Planning & Registry System (SPAR) and new clients who require access to the system.

The SPAR application consists of the following main components:

Tree Seed and Vegetative Lot Registry: entry and maintenance of seed and vegetative lot information and queries.

Requests: seedling requests, direct seed withdrawals, cone and seed processing, testing, and other services. Requests are entered through SPAR and downloaded to the Cone and Seed Processing System (CONSEP) at the Tree Seed Centre. SPAR guides the user through selection of a suitable lot in a request using the transfer rules found in the FRPA Chief Forester’s Standards for Seed Use.

Reporting: includes generating SPAR reports in pdf format via submission screens. Data extracts can also be produced in MS Excel (csv) format.

See the MoFR Learning Store for any scheduled online SPAR training sessions. 

The following training tools are available on this site:

Recorded Training Sessions:

To view the Learnlinc Recordings, you will need to download the Learnlinc Player. You will also need a workstation with sound and a headset or speakers to listen to the recording.

SPAR Learning Map - will quickly guide you to the help tools available! It allows you to easily link directly to:

  • a section of the tutorial,
  • the appropriate online help chapter,
  • or a demonstration of the function in SPAR.

SPAR Reports Matrix - if you are unsure of which report to use in what circumstance, then the SPAR Reports Matrix can help. This matrix provides a description of each report and who the report is intended for.

SPAR Quick Start Tutorial - if this is your first time using SPAR the tutorial is a useful way to quickly "get up to speed" on all functions of the application. You can complete the entire tutorial in one sitting, or you can complete one module at a time!

SPAR Online Help Guide - there is a comprehensive SPAR Online Help Guide available to help you with specific questions you may have about screens and functions within the SPAR application. To use this guide you can:

  • click the link in the left navigation of this site. click on the HELP icon on any page of SPAR. This will take you directly to the page of help that matches the page of SPAR you are working on.
  • open the entire help guide by clicking on the SHOW hyperlink on any page of the help guide. This will open the table of contents for the entire guide.

SPAR FAQ's - if you have a question about an issue you are having in SPAR, check the Frequently Asked Questions page before calling the help desk!

For more information, contact: Susan Zedel - SPAR Project Leader Phone:(250) 356-1598

