FREP News and Events

Older News & Events can be found in the FREP News Archives.

October 2007: News & Events
DateLink & Description
Oct. 16, 2007 FREP achieves Level Two of the NQI Progressive Excellence Program
The Forest and Range Evaluation Program achieved Level Two of the Progressive Excellence Program with the National Quality Institute on October 3, 2007. FREP is progressing well on the quality journey. The program is one step closer to the Canada Award for Excellence.
June 2007: News & Events
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Jun. 26, 2007 FREP Checklist Submission for 2007/08
Submission of Riparian (RIP) and Stand level biodiversity (SLBD) checklists for 2007/08. For this fiscal year please follow the instructions outlined in this pdf file for submitting your paper checklists to Victoria. We do not want any checklists to get lost as they mean a lot of work by district staff.
April 2007: News & Events
DateLink & Description
Apr. 30, 2007 FREP IMS Training Center
The FREP IMS Training Center is a comprehensive learning resource to help users get started with the FREP Information Management System. You will get an overview of FREP IMS and how the system supports your business processes as well as valuable training suggestions and aids for both self-study learners and trainers alike.
February 2007: News & Events
DateLink & Description
Feb. 27, 2007 to
Feb. 28, 2007
FREP Continuous Improvement Workshop 2007
The 2006-07 RSM Continuous Improvement Workshop is taking place at the Laurel Point Inn in Victoria. The goal of this conference is to ensure the continuous improvement of Resource Stewardship Monitoring to meet the overall vision of the Forest and Range Evaluation Program (FREP) and to provide the high quality data and science-based information needed for decision making and continuous improvement of the Ministry of Forests and Range's practices, policies and legislation.
November 2006: News & Events
DateLink & Description
Nov. 14, 2006 to
Nov. 16, 2006
FREP Strategy Session
The FREP strategy session "Looking Forward: A Strategy Development Session" is taking place on November 14 to 16 at the Chateau Victoria. The purpose of this conference is to refine the mid-term (5-10 years) strategic direction for FREP.
Nov. 30, 2006 Closing date for submissions to the FREP Photography Contest.
October 2006: News & Events
DateLink & Description
Oct. 25, 2006 FREP News & Events
A new page was added to the FREP site listing changes to the website, news and upcoming events. This page will be updated whenever something on the FREP website is changed or when any news or new information about events becomes available.
Oct. 25, 2006 FREP Photography Contest Gallery
A new page was added to the FREP site showing the entries for the FREP Photography Contest. Check back often as more photos are added.
Oct. 26, 2006 FREP achieved Level One of the NQI Progressive Excellence Program
The Forest and Range Evaluation Program achieved Level One of the Progressive Excellence Program with the National Quality Institute on September 18, 2006. Our intention is to achieve all 4 levels in 3 years. Once the Program has reached this goal, we will apply to the Canada Award for Excellence.