Symbol of the government of Quebec

Student Connections

Industry Canada (IC)

Last Verified: 2006-11-20

Industry Canada's Student Connections (SC) provides Canadian small and medium entreprises (SMEs) with short, practical e-business and Internet training sessions. SC services are delivered by highly qualified post secondary students employed to provide Canadian businesses with customized training on how they can use today's technologies to their business advantage.

Eligibility Criteria

Since 1996, more than 6 400 university and college students have been employed as Student Business Advisors, providing training on Internet and e-business services. Participating universities and colleges are responsible for selecting, hiring and training the students based upon criteria such as business skills, technical knowledge, and communications ability. Gender equality, aboriginal participation and minority language support are strongly encouraged.

Training is aimed at small and medium enterprises. Sessions may be offered to groups or individuals.

As well, Internet training specially designed for Canadian seniors is available.


To date, more than 200 000 clients have benefited from SC services including:

  • Computer and Internet Basics for Business includes beginner to advanced levels, covering everything from computer basics, to how to get online, to advanced Internet communication and search techniques for SMEs.
  • Computer and Internet Basics for Seniors is specifically designed to meet the needs of today's seniors. Topics include Basic Computer Skills, Introduction to the Internet, Communicating On-Line and Electronic Commerce and You. These user-friendly sessions incorporate practical and up-to-date information, without using complex terminology or jargon.
  • E-business Basic Training provides businesses with information on how to efficiently integrate e-business into their daily business activities. From planning, promoting, and evaluating a Web site to incorporating electronic payment processes into online activities, SMEs can learn the elements of a successful and marketable e-presence.
  • Customized Training and Presentations for businesses are available and provide comprehensive information on e-business and how to take advantage of the new technologies that are revolutionizing the marketplace.

All SC Student Business Advisors are trained, tested and certified to deliver these services. SC allows businesses to benefit from the expertise of bright, young, future business leaders while providing them with valuable work experience.

Quebec Contact(s):
Student Connections
Toll-free (information): 1-888-807-7777

National Contact(s):
Ms. Deanna Mikolich
Student Connections
Industry Canada
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0H5
Telephone: 613-952-7218
Fax: 613-954-5463
Toll-free (information): 1-888-807-7777
Web site: