Gouvernement du Yukon

Communiqués archivés


Pour diffusion immédiate     numéro 06-073
March 31, 2006

Reminder - New Fair Wage Schedule Rates For Government Contracts

WHITEHORSE - As a reminder to all contractors bidding on Yukon government contracts, the planned increases to the Yukon's Fair Wage Schedule become effective this April 1.

The Employment Standards Board recommendation to increase the Fair Wage Schedule by 10.9 percent and index it to the Consumer Price Index was supported by a large majority of the respondents during a public consultation undertaken during the summer of 2005.

The updated Fair Wage Schedule below represents the 10.9 percent increase, plus the 2.2 percent increase from the Whitehorse Consumer Price Index increase from Jan.1, 2005 to Dec. 31, 2005.

The Fair Wage Schedule protects Yukon workers' interests by setting a minimum wage for workers who are employed on Yukon government construction projects.

"We need to keep the Fair Wage Schedule current, so that it corresponds with the cost of living for Yukoners," Community Services Minister Glenn Hart said. "With the schedule in place, wages are not the major consideration in the bidding process. This means that outside construction companies will not be able to undercut Yukon competitors by paying unreasonably low wages. I am also pleased to say that many Yukon contractors pay their crews above what is stipulated in the Fair Wage Schedule."

Fair Wage Schedule Category Rate Changes
Effective April 1, 2006

Effective date Category A  Category B  Category C Category D
Dec. 1, 2005
10.9% increase
$26.06  $23.36  $20.72 $18.80

April 1, 2006
2% increase

$26.63  $23.87 $21.18  $19.21


Peter Carr      
Cabinet Communications    
(867) 667-8688     

Doug Caldwell
Communications, Community Services
(867) 667-8065