Gouvernement du Yukon

Communiqués archivés


Pour diffusion immédiate     numéro 06-070
March 30, 2006

Trustee Appointed For The City Of Dawson

WHITEHORSE - Leo Chasse has been appointed as the Trustee for the City of Dawson replacing Ray Hayes who held the position since his appointment April 13, 2004.

Chasse will assume the role of Trustee for the City of Dawson immediately. He will fill this position until a municipal election is held for a new mayor and council.

"I am pleased Mr. Chasse accepted this role and I am confident he will undertake his duties as Trustee in his usual professional manner," Community Services Minister Glenn Hart said. "We are very close to having a financial solution for the City of Dawson and Mr. Chasse will help us to make that transition."

Chasse worked within the Yukon government at a number of capacities including financial officer and as a municipal advisor. Chasse also worked in fiscal relations and helped re-negotiate the formula funding agreement, the Devolution Transfer Agreement and was a key advisor in the government's finance department until his retirement in 2004.

"I would like to acknowledge the good work of Ray Hayes during his term," Hart said. "We were fortunate to have Ray as a Trustee. He undertook his role in a fair and respectful manner and he did a very good job in representing the City of Dawson and its citizens. On behalf of all Yukoners, I would like to express our thanks to Ray for doing a great job as the City of Dawson Trustee."

Hayes has agreed to assist Chasse during the transition period.


Peter Carr      
Cabinet Communications   
(867) 667-8688    

Doug Caldwell
Communications, Community Services